Friday, January 31, 2025

Noblesse Oblige v0.14.1.3 Public Release!

Noblesse Oblige Legacy of the Sorcerer Kings,  v0.14.1.3 "The Shadows Within" is now available to the public!

Edit #4: I've updated to v0.14.1.4. This fixes a bug where the cost of Grove Defenders was incorrect.

Get it here! Or on Steam.

Edit #3: I've updated to v0.14.1.3.

This fixes a rare potential crash related to Freeze effects as well as fixing some passability issues in Avalonia.

Edit #2: Updated to v0.14.1.2 to make a few fixes, notably:

- Fixed a crash in the sanctum after accepting Eris's deal

- Added a save point before deciding whether to accept Eris's offer

- Added a translucent text background to the post-duel textual scene

- Various other minor bugfixes and typos.

Edit: Updated to v0.14.1.1. 

This corrects an issue with shop unique items and an issue where Story Mode would not be deactivated if used during a unique dungeon. 

If you have a save stuck in story mode, feel free to comment with a link to it or come to the discord and I can fix it.

v0.14.1.0 Patch Notes (1-31/2025)

- 104k(!) words of content.

- Significant new section of the story.

- New partial Castle Kharos iteration.

- New combat sections.

- Major optional side section for some routes (those with Somnus who kept Tychus for interrogation).

- Five new achievements for those playing on Steam.

- New level up skills available for several party members!

- Three new loyalty skills (Ariadne 75, Ligaea 75, Somnus 50).

- One new throne room scene (Cynthia).

- New Ariadne art! Ariadne's outfit has been redone by Mimo! I'm very happy with the results of this. A patch to use the old outfit may be added in the menu at a later time.

- New bust art cut-ins for "ultimate" skills such as Wildfire and Power Shot!

- Door customization for the doors in the throne room at Castle Kharos have been added!

- Graphical rework of Avalonia! This includes redone mapping and a new Alcinian Sanctum in Avalonia. Several other early game maps have also been improved!

Balance Changes

- Adjusted the damage of Ariadne's Burning to scale less strongly with level.

- Adjusted Wildfire damage to be reduced slightly more by mdf.

- Lorena's Swift Slash now deals more damage and will have a guaranteed follow-up during Holy Avenger.

- Swift Slash becomes Chilling Slash under Radiance, which deals less damage but now has a higher Skill rate. Chilling Slash will be learned on the version transition, or on fighting one battle.

- Howling Slash's follow-up now hits the main target if facing a single enemy.

UI Improvements

- Expanded skill selection box and reworked party UI in battle. Character's expression changes from buffs or low HP should now more visible. 

- Added icons and colored text to passive effects to improve readability.

- Sir Leonidas and the honor guard now have custom sprites if the proposal "Elite Honor Guard" was invested in and completed. 

- Added a KOed sprite for Lorena, used during the first two meetings.


- Corrected the description of Unrelenting to properly indicate that it restores 30 TP rather than 40 TP.

- Fixed a bug that caused enemies who attack multiple times a turn to do nothing when affected by Enthrall or Beguile.

- Added Theseus loyalty changes for the decision to kill/imprison Tychus. These are applied retroactively. 

- Added a fallback to autosave to prevent the game from hanging on a failure to autosave correctly. 

- Barrage or other instant skills no longer consume Ligaea's Confidence.

- Echo of Light and other instant skills no longer consume Calysia's Full Moon. 

- Howling Slash's cooldown is now 3 rounds as per the description (was 4). 

- Potions are no longer incorrectly classified as Key Items, no matter how much you hoard them. =P

- Various typo reports and fixes to old content (thanks to everyone who reported). 


Friday, January 3, 2025

Noblesse Oblige v0.14.0 "The Shadows Within" released to patrons!

The newest version of Noblesse Oblige Legacy of the Sorcerer Kings,  is now available to supporters on Patreon!

Get it here with Patreon access!

Chapter 13: The Shadows Within will release to the public on Friday, January 31st!

v0.14.0 Patch Notes (1-3/2025)

- 104k(!) words of content.

- Significant new section of the story.

- New partial Castle Kharos iteration.

- New combat sections.

- Major optional side section for some routes (those with Somnus who kept Tychus for interrogation).

- Five new achievements for those playing on Steam.

- New level up skills available for several party members!

- Three new loyalty skills (Ariadne 75, Ligaea 75, Somnus 50).

- One new throne room scene (Cynthia).

- New Ariadne art! Ariadne's outfit has been redone by Mimo! I'm very happy with the results of this. A patch to use the old outfit may be added in the menu at a later time.

- New bust art cut-ins for "ultimate" skills such as Wildfire and Power Shot!

- Door customization for the doors in the throne room at Castle Kharos have been added!


Saturday, October 26, 2024

Noblesse Oblige v0.13.1.3 Hotfix

 I've updated the public version to v0.13.1.3, with a few notable changes:

 - (Hopefully) fixed some potential crashes in Thessia Village

- Corrected a bug that caused Tranquil Fury to consume all stacks of Fury before granting any

- Corrected a bug preventing Searing Wind from properly checking if Ariadne had sufficient MP

- Updated the values for the Army Quality check in the new section. New values will be applied to old saves on the next version transition. 

Get it here!

Friday, October 18, 2024

Noblesse Oblige v0.13.1.1 Public Release!

Noblesse Oblige Legacy of the Sorcerer Kingsv0.13.1.1 "Meetings and Partings" is now available to the public!

Get it here! Or available on Steam.

 v0.13.1.1 "Meetings and Partings" Patch Notes (10-18-2024)

54k words of text.

- Significant new section of the story.

- New combat sections.

- One new intimate scene for those with the optional patch.

- Four new achievements for those playing on Steam.

- New level up skills available for several party members!

- New art for Ligaea! You will have the option to swap to this art when continuing from the Temporal Rift, or can change it at any time from the System menu. The patch for the original art can still be used. New art by Mimo.

= Balance Changes

- Increased the cost of Grace of Air to 200 MP

- Strategos Theseus the Hammer and Sir Zenon the Breaker are now immune to Freeze effects.

= Other Changes

- Ligaea's Rapid Fire renamed to Rapid Volley (in the interests of removing period-incorrect uses of "fire")

- Adjusted the walls and floor in Ariadne's private room

- Improved floor and walls on the airship home from Avalonia, plus a little adjustment to the mapping

- Added silver spears to all Calistrian-style statues of Alivae to match the flavor text

= UI Improvements

- Added a partial settings menu to the title screen, mainly to set volume, though instant messages and animations can also be set here.

- Improved the game's ability to detect volume changes when moving to a new version (thanks to a script by Maltava

- Alexander's expression now changes in combat when using Galeforce

- Loading an autosave then saving the game will now default to saving in the most recent save slot rather than the autosave slot.

- Updated the relationships status page. Let me know if any changes you'd expect are not reflected here.

= Bugfixes

- Various typo reports and fixes to old content (thanks in particular to Joker/Amaror for many comprehensive reports!)-

- New pathing logic for the patrols at Castle Salericos. They should no longer literally get stuck in the weeds. XD

- Many, many typo fixes thanks to Lamsey and Joker/Amaror

- Fixed a few minor castle customization details (new doors customization has been put off until a future update, but will be coming)Fixed two spots in Chapter 4 where the game could become stuck if text was advanced too quickly

- Changed all in-game music tracks in .mp3 format to .ogg format, which should prevent audio distortions from occurring on some systems.

= Screenshots

Tuesday, October 8, 2024