Wednesday, November 15, 2023

v0.9.1.6 Patch

 I've released a minor update, v0.9.1.6. 

Get it here! 

v0.9.1.6 Patch

This minor patch mostly involves a few minor story changes and clarifications

- The dialog surrounding the possible major choice in Chapter 8 for those on the Alcinian route has changed somewhat in the case that you declined to recruit the optional character involved, to offer a little more closure.
- Added some slight further context on the nature of blood pacts.
- Added a little more clarification of Alexander's thinking on why the only choices for dealing with Kadmus were those that were offered.
- Added a line in Shadowreach in Chapter 3 clarifying that the magical taint left by the events in Hypernia are something that will naturally fade over time.
- Slapped some sense into a guard in Hypernia who was too bored with his patrol to notice that Ligaea is a woman.
- Corrected a bug that could occur via applying the adult content patch after having been playing without it.
- Fixed a few typos and other minor things.


  1. Thanks for the feedback overall! The endless work of polishing continues. I swear I had fixed that hair one. XD; Will get these fixed for the next version.

    1. Thanks, will get this fixed.

    2. Hm, strange, probably happens in some case some case I didn't test. XD Will fix.

    3. Will look into getting this fixed. Slightly annoying with the logic I used there, but think I have an easy way to do it.

    4. A quick test seems to show 2,100 after the fight, so hopefully just misremembering. In general, I think the game is just pulling the actual number from the data (my only changes to this are adding color), so I don't think there should be too much concern with the reported exp numbers being inaccurate barring something actually changing them somehow (I had this happen with the chain battle script years ago, but it's fixed now).

    5. Thanks for these! Will correct.

  2. Trying to taken a screenshot (F12) on steam crashes the game. Error message:
    ElementChanger:153: stack level too deep, SystemStackError
    This is also exactly what's written in the error_log, so no further info sadly.

    1. I think this is likely a conflict between the fact that VX Ace uses F12 for a default binding (reset to the title) and steam trying to use it through the overlay, so I'm not sure it's something I can really fix, since the engine doesn't let you rebind some hardcoded functions like that.

      I assume it must be a conflict since I can F12 fine on the steam version to get the default function without using the steam overlay (I have it turned off by default).

  3. Guess it can't be helped. A pity, would make screenshots for error reports easier.
    I do have two additional typos. Lorena gainst the ability "Holy Guardan". In Alexander's Relationship screen he's described as Cynthia's "Leige Lord".

    1. You can change which key steam uses for screenshots in settings -> in game, if that's of any use. I apologize for not being able to help more than that. Thanks for the reports, though, will correct these!

  4. Found a few cases of walls showing at the edge of view, when I think they probably shouldn't, in chapter 2 mostly. This one is a bit faulty, the only visible wall is the one on the top left.

    1. Thanks. I'll definitely get the border village one fixed quickly as its easy. The airship spot may need to wait a bit as it'll require moving a lot of stuff around and that will require testing it all to be sure nothing was broken.

    2. No rush, they aren't big problems by any stretch after all. Just in case, I can also help with testing, I have a few saves just before the airship section so it should be easy to run through a few times.
